Directory of Barter Companies Near Haddam, Connecticut

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Haddam, Connecticut who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Computer - Consultants

Can help you find a system and software to fit you and your company's needs. Mention you are an IMS member.

Rocky Hill, CT
12.64 miles away

Computer - Training

Can help train and familiarize your company with software and system usage. Mention you are an IMS member.

Rocky Hill, CT
12.64 miles away

Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal - Permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair with top of the line CoolGlide 1064 Yag Laser! Cool Glide lasers can treat men and women of all skin tones safely and effectively. Mention you are an IMS member.

Rocky Hill, CT
12.71 miles away

Weight Loss Programs & Products

ical Weight Loss - Weight loss with a degree of difference...a ical Degree! Lose 5-10+ pounds this week! Lose 12-20+ pounds this month! We also offer Laser Hair Removal - Permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair with top of the line CoolGlide 1064 Yag Laser! Cool Glide lasers can treat men and women of all skin tones safely and effectively. Call us today and mention you are an IMS member.

Rocky Hill, CT
12.71 miles away

Spa - Beauty Treatments

About EMSCULPT - Unlike previous sculpting devices that are directed at fat cell emptying or breakdown, EMSCULPT is the first device to sculpt the body by building muscle as well as breaking down fat cells. No other technology has the capability to address both muscle and fat at the same time. The Emsculpt procedure is currently FDA cleared to treat abdomen, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs. It is a great non-surgical alternative to the Brazilian butt lift. Treatment consists of a minimum of 4-5 sessions, scheduled 2-3 days apart, and each session is 30 minutes long. No pain or downtime.

Rocky Hill, CT
12.71 miles away

Restaurants - Ims Barter Card

Our mission, simply stated, is to impress our customers and serve them the finest New York style pizza & traditional Italian cuisine. We provide the very best product and service possible in a friendly neighborhood atmosphere. If there is a special dish that you cannot find on our menu, please let us know and we will be happy to prepare it for you. Thank you for your continued support. Buon Appetito! Italian restaurant serving pizza, grinders, pasta, seafood, chicken, soups and salads. Gift certificates also available - contact broker to order.

Colchester, CT
12.89 miles away

Restaurants - Specific Certificates

Our mission, simply stated, is to impress our customers and serve them the finest New York style pizza & traditional Italian cuisine. We provide the very best product and service possible in a friendly neighborhood atmosphere. If there is a special dish that you cannot find on our menu, please let us know and we will be happy to prepare it for you. Thank you for your continued support. Buon Appetito! Italian restaurant serving pizza, grinders, pasta, seafood, chicken, soups and salads. Gift certificates also available - contact broker to order. Italian restaurant serving pizza, grinders, pasta, seafood, chicken, soups and salads.

Colchester, CT
12.89 miles away

Colchester, CT
12.89 miles away

Cat Boarding

Our boarding facility is the "Purrr-fect" solution when in need. Our well-trained staff will leave your mind at ease. Call us when you have a business trip, vacation etc. We'll take good care of your feline friend. s Only! Mention you're an IMS member.

Rocky Hill, CT
13.06 miles away

Pet Boarding & Day Care

Specialized care for cats only! Mention you're IMS member.

Rocky Hill, CT
13.06 miles away