Directory of Barter Companies Near Lakewood, Colorado

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Lakewood, Colorado who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

Advertising - Direct Mail

is a high-quality, high-gloss coupon magazine containing hundreds of dollars in savings. Our advertisers want to extend valuable and often exclusive offers to 60,000 homeowners in , Lakewood, Wheat Ridge and Englewood.

Lakewood, CO
0.59 miles away

Advertising - Magazine

Welcome to our thrilling world of two-wheeled passion! Dive into the pages of , where exclusive stories, daring adventures, and the vibrant lifestyle of our riders await, ready to fuel your love for the open road. Nation Wide. Full page starting at $500.00 per month for 1 year. Covers starting at $800.00 a month for 1 year. Available in CA, FL, TN, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Sturgis, WY, CO, NV, Oregon, Iowa,

Lakewood, CO
0.59 miles away


We are a full service center dedicated to bringing you the latest in health services and information to help you live a healthy life. Because each problem is as unique as each individual, our approach to care is diversified. We provide a full range of new, modern therapies and we constantly update our equipment, skills, and knowledge so we can provide you with the best quality care available. We look at all aspects of our patient’s health to provide a workable healing method for their various conditions. We encourage you to visit our website for a full list of services!

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away

Chiropractic Service

Chiropractic is a natural method of health care with the proven ability to relieve back pain, increase vitality, and promote well-being. Chiropractic, acupuncture, allergy elimination, Cold /Hot laser menopausal, and diabetic treatments, thyroid protocols, urinalysis, ion cleanse detoxification system.

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away


Chiropractic, acupuncture, endermologie, microdermabrasion, allergy elimintation, menopausal, and diabetic treatments, thyroid protocols, urinalysis, ion cleanse detoxification system, auricular therapy, Qi gong, far infrared

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

We are a full service center dedicated to bringing you the latest in health services and information to help you live a healthy life. Because each problem is as unique as each individual, our approach to care is diversified. We provide a full range of new, modern therapies and we constantly update our equipment, skills, and knowledge so we can provide you with the best quality care available. We look at all aspects of our patient’s health to provide a workable healing method for their various conditions.

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away

Sleep Disorders/Snoring

Say goodbye to restless nights and disruptive snoring! Discover the power of nasal breathing with our Cranial Facial Release technique. By gently aligning your cranial bones and improving nasal airflow, you can finally breathe through your nose and enjoy a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep. Don't let sleep apnea and breathing problems control your life. Try our technique today and experience the amazing health benefits of nasal breathing!

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away

Sleep Disorders/Snoring

Are you struggling with sleep apnea, snoring, or breathing difficulties? We have the solution you've been searching for! Our Cranial Facial Release technique is designed to optimize your nasal passages, allowing you to breathe effortlessly through your nose. Studies reveal the remarkable benefits of nasal breathing, including improved oxygenation, reduced snoring, and enhanced overall health. Don't let mouth breathing hinder your well-being. Take the first step towards better sleep and try our technique today!

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away

Alternative Medicine & Naturopaths

Are you tired of feeling exhausted, snoring through the night, and struggling with breathing problems? It's time to make a change! Our Cranial Facial Release technique offers a breakthrough solution for sleep apnea sufferers and individuals seeking optimal breathing. Realign your cranial bones, open up your nasal passages, and embrace the countless health benefits of nasal breathing. Don't let mouth breathing hinder your vitality any longer. Take control of your sleep and well-being with our technique. Try it now and experience the transformation firsthand!

Lakewood, CO
2.04 miles away

Spa - Beauty Treatments

Cryo-Freeze is the #1 non-Invasive fat reduction treatment in the world. It targets stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise (like belly fat, love handles, double chins, and more.) Best of all, this non-surgical alternative to liposuction is safe, effective, and requires minimal to no downtime.

Denver, CO
2.24 miles away