Directory of Barter Companies Near Mineola, New York

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Mineola, New York who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16321 results for you

Printing - Standard Print Service

We offer a wide range of copy & print services including collating, binding, stabling, cutting and offer a multiple paper options. A single black & white or 1,000 color copies—we’ve got you covered. Five locations: Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cover, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS Member.

Port Washington, NY
6.32 miles away

Copying & Duplicating Service

We offer a wide range of copy, print and shredding services. No job too big or small. We also offer collating, binding, laminating of brochures, menus, business cards, flyers, posters & banner printing. Five locations in Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cove, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS member.

Port Washington, NY
6.32 miles away

Shredding Service

We provide industrial -grade shredding services, the single most effective method of eliminating Identity Theft. Available at all five locations: Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cove, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS Member.

Port Washington, NY
6.32 miles away

Postal Box Rental

Private mailbox rental service offers safety, security and convenience. Our five locations offer private mailboxes: Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cove, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS Member.

Port Washington, NY
6.32 miles away

Postal Box Rental

Private mailbox rental service offers safety, security and convenience. Our five locations offer private mailboxes: Great Neck, Port Washington, Glen Cove, Plainview and Long Island City. Advise you are an IMS Member.

Port Washington, NY
6.32 miles away

Air Conditioning Contractors

Family owned business. Commercial and residential service for the repairs and cleaning of central air and central heating units, ventilation and humidifier systems, duct cleaning and more. Fast, reliable service by certified professionals. Covers Queens & Nassau.

Lynbrook, NY
6.42 miles away

Air Duct Cleaning

Residential and commercial air duct cleaning. Also offers cleaning and repair of central air conditioning systems and heating systems. Fast, reliable service by trained, professional and certified mechanics. Covers Queens and Nassau.

Lynbrook, NY
6.42 miles away

Air Filtration & Purifying Equipment

Servicing and installation of air purification systems that mount onto air conditioning and heating systems. Serving residential and commercial entities. Perfect for animal hospitals, dental offices, doctors' offices or anyone who desires a cleaner air environment. Covers Queens and Nassau.

Lynbrook, NY
6.42 miles away

Heating - Hvac Contractors

Family owned business. Certified and insured professional heating contractors. Commercial and residential cleaning and repairs of central heating systems, as well as duct cleaning. Covering Nassau and Queens. Fast, reliable, courteous service. Get your Central heating system in tip top shape before the cold weather sets in.

Lynbrook, NY
6.42 miles away

Charitable Organizations

Organization dedicated to bringing joy to children in hospitals. Working with children's hospitals across the country, this organization will coordinate a visit from a celebrity, host an event like face painting, games, kids movie or just bring toys along with volunteers to sing, read a book, draw with the sick children, etc. They provide emergency room gift bags which contain a coloring book, a beanie baby and a couple of other fun things. Donations of IMS Dollars in any amount are welcome.

East Rockaway, NY
7.56 miles away