Directory of Barter Companies Near Felton, California

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Felton, California who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16388 results for you

Camps - Youth

is located in the Santa Cruz ains of California. In Santa Cruz, there are three self-contained camp and conference facilities: Summers at Ponderosa Lodge are geared for junior high and senior high students; Redwood Camp’s full summer schedule delights elementary and primary school-aged kids; our Conference Center summers provide a Christian resort camping experience designed for every member of the family. Primary weeks are perfect for 1st time 2-3rd grade adventurers. Camp includes discovery grove (high ropes adventure), target sports, ziplines, and crazy fun all in a Christ centered environment! Camper to counselor ratios are only five to one for the ultimate in tender loving care. Redwood Camp is classic summer camping at its finest for ages 4th-12th grade. It allows small groups of campers to enjoy a variety of counselor-led activities within their age group. A week includes time at the beach, target sports, ziplines, and of course crazy fun!

Mount Hermon, CA
0.15 miles away

Entertainment - Family

Our two hour guided eco-adventure includes six zip lines and two sky bridges at heights of up to 150 feet. Each tour of up to 8 people is led by 2 certified guides who share ecological knowledge and bring the forest to life. As the first zip line tour in the redwoods, the Redwood Canopy Tour has inspired and delighted over 100,000 guests since 2008. Come see the redwoods from the unique perspective only a zip line tour can offer! Gift certificates available, Please contact your local IMS office to order.

Mount Hermon, CA
0.15 miles away


’s properties are in some of the most beautiful places on earth! Our original site, nestled in the towering Santa Cruz mountains redwoods, is just six miles from Monterey Bay. Our Kidder Creek , in the Scott Valley near Shasta, sits against the stunning backdrop of the Marble ain Wilderness area. The Whisper Canyon locale is a rustic retreat near Paso Robles and Lake San Antonio. ’s year-round Christ-centered camps, conferences and concerts serve the entire family. Come explore and be amazed. More than 60,000 people experience each year. Directions and maps to each facility are on our Directions Page. In Santa Cruz, there are three self-contained camp and conference facilities: s at Ponderosa Lodge are geared for junior high and senior high students; Redwood ’s full summer schedule delights elementary and primary school-aged kids; our Conference Center summers provide a Christian resort camping experience designed for every member of the family. At Kidder Creek we offer a broad array of traditional, adventure and horse riding camps for youth of all ages. The wilderness programs engage in whitewater rafting, rock climbing, cliff jumping and much, much more! Throughout the remainder of the year, each facility operates -sponsored camps and conferences, as well as hosting programs provided by guest groups who support our ministry objectives. Let us know how we can serve you or your group. Amid all the variety, one thing is consistent—God is at work at , and the result is lives transformed.

Mount Hermon, CA
0.18 miles away

Marketplace Items

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Scotts Valley, CA
2.03 miles away


This small, family owned and operated winery specializing in Rhone and Burgundy style wines from the best vineyards in California. Established in 1997. the winery is located a short distance from Monterey Bay, which provides the constant, cool, coastal influence resulting in rich, full flavored, complex wines. Limited production ensures top quality!

Scotts Valley, CA
2.75 miles away

Marketplace Items

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Ben Lomond, CA
2.98 miles away


is a boutique Santa Cruz, California wine label. Mark has spent the last 16 years as a Sommelier, traveling to every wine region of the world and becoming an specialist in the wines from Burgundy, France. He found the micro-climates in the Santa Cruz Mountains to resemble some of the greatest regions of France and was fascinated by the county. No Ship States Include: AL, AK, DE, KY, ME, MS, MT, NJ, OK, PA, ND, SD, UT.

Ben Lomond, CA
4.34 miles away


As winemakers, it is out mission to produce wines that display the flavor of our home land, and make wines that are true to their variety. With a diverse wine menu, there is something for everyone. No Ship States Include: AL, AK, DE, KY, ME, MA, MS, MT, NJ, OK, PA, ND, SD, UT

Bonny Doon, CA
5.16 miles away


Complete, comfortable dental care for all ages in a relaxing office with a gentle doctor and staff. Convenient hours are available 7am to 9pm. Various payment options. Cosmetic consultation at no charge. Over 20 years experience.

Santa Cruz, CA
5.28 miles away

Supplemental Medical Services

Complete, comfortable dental care for all ages in a relaxing office with a gentle doctor and staff. Convenient hours are available 7am to 9pm. Various payment options. Cosmetic consultation at no charge. Over 20 years experience.

Santa Cruz, CA
5.28 miles away