Directory of Barter Companies Near Perry, New York

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Perry, New York who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16358 results for you

East Aurora, NY
30.17 miles away

East Aurora, NY
30.17 miles away

Photographers - Aerial

graphy -Commercial buildings , employees, Took photos of Nasa space shuttle and celebrities such as Paul McCarthy. Willing to travel, nationally. Travel expense not on trade outside Upstate NY.

Henrietta, NY
30.29 miles away

Photographers - Commercial

Comprehensive commercial photography including consulting, location photography, QTVR pans, object movies, digital catalogs, tradeshow photography, green screen and compositing, 3-dimensional photo collages, panoramic prints and more. Took photos of Nasa space shuttle and celebrities such as Paul McCarthy. Willing to travel nationally. Travel expenses not on trade outside Upstate NY.

Henrietta, NY
30.29 miles away


Family owned and operated. Oils, vinegars and herbs for restaurants and resale. Large selections of organic herbs and spices. Gift baskets not available at this time. Check out our website for updated hours of operation. Please mention that you are an IMS member. Note- local pick up only, shipping not available. Corporate orders require broker referral.

East Aurora, NY
30.98 miles away

Food Distributors

Family owned and operated. Oils, vinegars and herbs for restaurants and resale. Large selections of organic herbs and spices. Gift baskets not available at this time. Check out our website for updated hours of operation. Please mention that you are an IMS member. Note- local pick up only, shipping not available. Corporate orders require broker referral.

East Aurora, NY
30.98 miles away

Dry Cleaner Or Laundry Service

has been serving customers from conveniently-located dry cleaning and laundry facilities throughout the Rochester, NY area since 1924. There is a class="redacted-text"> Cleaners location in or near the following areas around Rochester, New York (NY): Rochester, Pittsford, Penfield, Irondequoit, Greece, Webster, Mendon & Henrietta! Full-service dry cleaners. Please ID as IMS at drop off.

Henrietta, NY
31.65 miles away

Internet Web Site Design & Development

Is your website responsive? If not, you could be losing valuable business. A responsive website design is one that reacts to the world around it. Whether people visit your site on a phone, tablet, or desktop, a page that’s interesting and easy to navigate will welcome them. Our web design experts work to ensure that no matter the device or resolution, the experience is flawless. Call today and mention that you are an IMS member. Note only offers design services, not development.

Rochester, NY
31.76 miles away

Copying & Duplicating Service

Custom packaging, packaging materials, boxes, bubble wrap, and tape; mailbox rentals, binding, laminating, copies: black and white and color. Member must initially identify themselves as IMS.

Rochester, NY
31.90 miles away

Laminating Services

Custom packaging, packaging materials, boxes, bubble wrap, and tape; mailbox rentals, binding, laminating, copies: black and white and color. Member must initially identify themselves as IMS.

Rochester, NY
31.90 miles away