Directory of Barter Companies Near Springville, New York

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Springville, New York who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16326 results for you

Food Distributors

Family owned and operated. Oils, vinegars and herbs for restaurants and resale. Large selections of organic herbs and spices. Gift baskets not available at this time. Check out our website for updated hours of operation. Please mention that you are an IMS member. Note- local pick up only, shipping not available. Corporate orders require broker referral.

East Aurora, NY
18.15 miles away

Fruit - Baskets And Boxed

Fresh fruit bouquets to make any occasion special. Bouquets are made fresh with premium fruit arranged in a variety of stunning displays. Bouquet can be complemented with chocolate dipped fruit. Delivery available except for holidays. (Excluding Williamsville).

Orchard Park, NY
18.20 miles away

Human Resource Services

Your one-stop shop for all your business' HR needs. We can assist in creating an employee handbook, affirmative action, audits, company policies, on-boarding, performance management, job descriptions, organizational development and pay grades.

Orchard Park, NY
18.21 miles away

Business Consultants

resources consultant with experience in manufacturing, service and distribution. In addition to basic human resources services such as handbooks, training, policies, benefits and recruitment; we help organizations become more effective resulting in more profits. As consultants, we keep it simple and only provide what our clients need without overwhelming them.

Orchard Park, NY
18.21 miles away

Medi Spa

Committed to the highest level of client care means you have the look of good health! Are you ready for a day at the spa that will leave you not only feeling relaxed, but also looking vibrant? Services include laser hair removal, skin tightening and resurfacing, photo facial and pulsed light therapy and age spot removal. No walk-ins. Call and make your appointment today and mention that you are an IMS member. Note: Sculp Sure and Morpheus 8 services require broker referral

Orchard Park, NY
18.48 miles away

Skin Care, Facials, Microdermabrasion

You deserve a break! Come visit us for a spa facial, anti aging treatments, laser treatments and microdermabrasion. We'll take your skin's needs into account and provide facials that clear blemishes from your skin, brighten your skin for a natural glow and help you feel better from the inside to the outside! No walk-ins. Call and make your appointment today and mention that you are an IMS member. Note: Sculp Sure, Morpheus 8 require broker referral. Note: All filler services including Dysport not available

Orchard Park, NY
18.48 miles away

Hair Removal

Thinking about getting rid of unwanted hair for good? Laser skin treatments are an appealing option or those who are tired of shaving unwanted hair frequently. Laser hair removal also provides an alternative to uncomfortable, skin-irritating waxing. Our medical spa also provides laser scar removal. We'll treat your skin over the course of several sessions to reduce the visibility of scars. To find out more about how these services work, arrange for an appointment right away. No walk-ins. Call and make your appointment today and mention that you are an IMS member.

Orchard Park, NY
18.48 miles away

Marketplace Items

Various decorative lawn fountains, benches, lawn and garden tools, snow pushers and more for pick up only. Check out available inventory featured on the IMS Marketplace or contact broker for more information.

Hamburg, NY
19.32 miles away

Nursery & Garden Centers

Formerly the Zittels Country Market, we are proud to continue to bring you all the same products as before like fresh and local fruits and vegetables, plants, honey, syrup, jams, snacks and seasonal decor and gift items as well as bulk mulch, stone and soil. We are open year round for all your plant, tree and shrubbery needs. Please call ahead for trade available inventory and identify yourself as an IMS member. Delivery excluded.

Hamburg, NY
19.32 miles away

Telephone System Sales & Service

Would you like to reduce your cash expenses?! Change your VOIP service provider to us! We offer flexible VoIP communication solutions for on-premise and cloud environments. We cater to small and large businesses in the US including SIP Trunking, multiple location support, local and regional calling, national calling, conference calling and high speed communication. Call us today to confirm if your equipment is service compatible and mention that you are an IMS member. Please note that phone hardware is not available.

Hamburg, NY
19.54 miles away