Directory of Barter Companies Near Verona, Wisconsin

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near Verona, Wisconsin who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16321 results for you

Health & Fitness Clubs

Madison's Upscale Club for professionals. Capitol Square and Fitchburg locations. Totally up to date equipment, friendly staff, casual atmosphere and a neighborhood feel. Fitchburg location has two pools, a lap pool & warm water exercise pool.

Fitchburg, WI
4.01 miles away

Advertising - Digital

offers multiple layers of e-mail contact with the most active outdoor enthusiasts through monthly emails. Each recipient has a recent history of purchasing outdoor products via direct mail, e-commerce, or direct response.

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Advertising - Digital

provides a new 1 million plus list source to reach the largest, most successful farmers and ranchers in today’s agriculture industry. Being among the most highly qualified U.S. crop and livestock database sources, FARM SELECT will allow you to target your markets via e-blast with the most complete listing of selectivity available. As professional business owners and managers, these decision makers need to purchase all of their agricultural equipment and supplies for their land, as well as all their office equipment and supplies for their home office.

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Advertising - Digital

has over 740,000 farm and ranch deliverable emails. Emails can be deployed to our general farm audience or we can target specific demographics for you. We have 30 demographic/regional selects. Response rates depend on your tag line, the product offered, the call to action, the number of links and the content. You can expect a 2.5% 5% open rate and a 5% to 10% click through rate from the opens. We will save these opens and collect them into your personal “white file”. When you want to email these specific clients who have already expressed interest in your product we can do that for you. Able to target down to specific states.

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Advertising - Television

WISC-TV3 is a CBS affiliate and brings tremendous coverage to any campaign. WISC-TV3’s expansive viewership and excellent community image make it an integral part in reaching viewers. The total service area reaches 378,740 television households. WISC-TV is the venerable station-of-record for Wisconsin’s capital city and, more importantly, a vital and vibrant touchstone for communities throughout southern Wisconsin. WISC-TV, News 3 Now and Channel3000 were recently honored with 19 awards and the News Operation of the Year award for medium markets from the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association.

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Advertising - Digital

is indisputably one of the trendsetters for media websites in the U.S. today. Our award-winning site averages more than 10 million page views per month and welcomes over 655,000 unique users monthly. is a nationally-renowned leader and trendsetter within the media website category. The site won eight Edward R. Murrow Awards in 2016, including Overall Excellence and #1 Website, and has been named “Best Local Website” by readers of Madison Magazine multiple times. The site has also won more than a dozen Wisconsin Broadcasters Association’s Digital and Social Media Awards, including the 2014 Digital and Social Media Station of the Year.

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

Come to Arod's for some real food. Made from scratch authentic Southern American ican food. For dine in or carryout. Open Daily at 11am. Fast food with real flavor.

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Payment Method Mds

[type:Southern, American, ican]

Madison, WI
4.35 miles away

Restaurants - Mds Scrip

R. P. Pub & Grill is designed as an urban oasis. Our restaurant and bar is a relaxing place to enjoy your meal and still feel the buzz of the R.P. class="redacted-text"> dining experience. Outdoor dining available. Offering carryout and Friday fish fry. We serve lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday.

Madison, WI
4.48 miles away

Payment Method Mds

[type:American, closed Sundays]

Madison, WI
4.48 miles away