Directory of Barter Companies Near West Springfield, Massachusetts

Below are actual listings for IMS Trade Members near West Springfield, Massachusetts who make their goods and services available through IMS Barter. New Companies join daily delivering more products and services continually on trade. Change your search below to keep looking. Make sure you visit the IMS Marketplace and the IMS Travel Section too!
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We found 16386 results for you

Security Control & Systems

Security systems, cameras, fire alarms and monitoring. We provide a full range of alarm monitoring services for all the systems we install. If you already have an alarm system, we may be able to take over the monitoring at a very competitive rate. Our technicians are fully licensed, and we do not use subcontractors. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Hartford, CT
24.72 miles away


Offering barbershop services in a fun, clubhouse-style atmosphere. Come debate the Red Sox vs Yankees, watch ESPN highlights on HD flat screen while your hair is being expertly trimmed by certified master barbers. Open 7 days. Mention you're w/ IMS

West Hartford, CT
24.76 miles away


Offers hot lather shaves, hot towel treatments and neck & scalp massages. Open 7 days a week. 10-6 weekdays, 10-4 weekends, additional hours by appointment only. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Hartford, CT
24.76 miles away

Vacuum Cleaners - Sales/Service

Offering refurbished vacuum cleaners. does quality repair service on all makes of vacuums. We will Evaluate the problem, and implement a fix. Our team of repair specialists will service and tackle issues large and small. Parts are cash. Please let us know you are an IMS member.

West Hartford, CT
24.81 miles away

Vacuum Cleaners - Sales/Service

does quality repair service on all makes of vacuums. We will Evaluate the problem, and implement a fix. Our team of repair specialists will service and tackle issues large and small. Parts are cash. Please let us know you are an IMS member.

West Hartford, CT
24.81 miles away

Granite & Marble Products

Large variety of stone products available from garden statues to monuments to fountains. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Hartford, CT
24.87 miles away


Custom monument and memorial stones available. From the smallest inscription or grave marker to the largest towering memorial, we have established ourselves as the oldest continually operating memorial studios in Connecticut. Mention you are an IMS member.

West Hartford, CT
24.87 miles away

Advertising - Radio

Tropical/Rhythm/Top 40 Spanish format. New Britain-Hartford's exclusive Spanish radio station. Make our listeners and followers your new customers! Let us show you how to reach the Spanish market. Our Marketing team specializers in creative advertising solutions to help your business grow. Listeners are adults 30-55.

East Hartford, CT
25.02 miles away

Chimney Cleaning & Repairs

Long established full-service chimney company that performs sweeping , inspections ,chimney cap and damper installs and other minor repairs for full barter. We also perform comprehensive air duct cleaning of forced hot air/central air systems. Air duct cleaning removes contaminates, dust and debris from the air ducts that vent your heating or air conditioning into the home. Call or email for pricing or scheduling information. Mention you are an IMS member

Hartford, CT
25.08 miles away

Air Duct Cleaning

Air Duct Cleaning Removes Contaminates from air ducts. Call for pricing information. Mention you are an IMS member.

Hartford, CT
25.08 miles away